Service to Mankind” endeavours to provide services like psychosocial support and enhancing the over all general well being of general population, prioritizing the vulnerable, oppressed and those living below property line. Our social work is fundamentally human rights based.

The primary objective of this group during the pandemic was to provide services to the affected population free Tele-consultations with Doctors and also provided medical assistance (like oxymeter, thermometer, Aayush 64 medicine, Mask, PP Kits, Sanitizers etc.)and supplementary food like “Sai Protein” which contains (Wheat, Green Grams, Peanuts, White Sesame Seeds, Jaggery, Cardamom, Ginger Powder)“Kwati” Soup (mixture of 9 pulses) and Kadha(tulsipatta, dalchini, sunthi, marich)

Within the span of 5 to 6 months the team of Service to Mankind had covered 180 villages and around 2000 patients at all four Districts of Sikkim.

Further, our social service was recognized and facilitated by the His Excellency the Governor and have also received appreciation letter from Hon’ble Governor in this service which gives us more inspiration to work further to this Service to Mankind.

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